New Testament

Nid Title Code Num Listen Download Order CD
44 The Importance of Truth, part 1 II Jn 1
45 The Importance of Truth, part 1 II Jn 2
46 The Importance of Truth, part 3 Ii Jn 3
47 The Importance of Truth, part 4 II Jn 4
50 Gaius III Jn 1
51 Diotrephes III Jn 2
52 Demetrius III Jn 3
78 Meeting the Corinthians, I Corinthians 1:1-3 I Cor 1
79 The Wealth of the Corinthians, I Corinthians 1:4-9 I Cor 2
80 The Dissension in Corinth, I Corinthians 1: 10-12 I Cor 3
81 Arguments for Unity, I Corinthians 1:13-19 I Cor 4
82 The Message of the Cross, I Corinthians 1:20-25 I Cor 5
83 A Look at the Corinthian Church Directory, I Corinthians 1:23-31 I Cor 6
84 Powerful Preaching: Its Content and Method, I Corinthians 2:1-5 I Cor 7
85 True Wisdom:Its Content and Source, I Corinthians 2:6-13 I Cor 8
87 Man's Response to God's Revelation, I Corinthians 2:14-3:4 I Cor 10
88 Romans: The Book that Won the West N-Rom 1
89 Principles of True Christian Service, I Corinthians 3: 5-17 I Cor 11
90 True Evaluation, I Corinthians 3:18-4:5 I Cor 12
91 Eliminating Arrogance, I Corinthians 4:6 I Cor 13
92 Paul's Personal Appeal for Unity 4:4-14 I Cor 14
93 Moral Indifference in Corinth, I Corinthians 4:15-5:1 I Cor 15
94 Purging Out the Leaven, I Corinthians 5:1-8 I Cor 16
95 The Jurisdiction of Judgment, I Corinthians 5:9-13 I Cor 17
96 Christian Morality in Legal Matters, part 1, I Corinthians 6:1-6 I Cor 18
97 Christian Morality in Legal Matters, part 2, I Corinthians 6:7-11 I Cor 19
98 Christian Liberty, I Corinthians 6:12 I Cor 20
99 Liberty Misapplied, I Corinthians 6:13-20 I Cor 21
100 Marriage and Morality, I Corinthians 7:1-14 I Cor 22
101 Marriage and Separation, I Corinthians 7:5-9 I Cor 23
102 The Mixed Marriage, I Corinthians 7:10-16 I Cor 24
103 The Doctrine of Status Quo, I Corinthians 7:17-24 I Cor 25
104 Lessons on Single Life, I Corinthians 7:25-31 I Cor 26
105 Liberty: Its Use and Abuse, part 1, I Corinthians 7:32-8:1 I Cor 27
106 Liberty: Its Use and Abuse, part 2, I Corinthians 8:1-13 i Cor 28
107 Using Liberty, I Corinthians 9:1-18 I Cor 29
108 The Discipline of Service , I Corinthians 9:19-27 I Cor 30
109 The Example of Israel, I Corinthians 10:1-5 I Cor 31
110 Fleeing Temptation, I Corinthians 10:6-14 I Cor 32
111 Freedom Within Limits, I Corinthians 10:15-33 I Cor 33
112 Interpreting Paul's Epistles I Cor 34
115 The Lord's Table, I Corinthians 11:23-24 I Cor 37
116 The Source of Spiritual Gifts, part 1, I Corinthians 12:1-3 I Cor 38
117 The Source of Spiritual Gifts, part 2, I Corinthians 12:4-11 I Cor 39
118 The Diversity of Spiritual Gifts, I Corinthians 12:12-26 I Cor 40
119 The Priority Attitude for Gifts, I Corinthians 12:27-13:3 I Cor 41
120 The Unselfishness of Love 13:4 I Cor 42
121 The Conduct of Love, I Corinthians 13:5-7 I Cor 43
122 The Optimism of Love, I Corinthians 13:8-13 I Cor 44
123 Edification in the Church, I Corinthians 14:1-19 I Cor 45
124 The Purpose of Tongues, I Corinthians 14:20-28 I Cor 46
125 Order in Worship, I Corinthians 14:29-40 I Cor 47
126 The Content of the Gospel, I Corinthians 15:1-8 I Cor 48
127 Objectors to the Resurrection, I Corinthians 15:8-19 I Cor 49
128 The Affirmation of the Resurrection, I Corinthians 15:20-32 I Cor 50
129 The Resurrection Body I Cor 51
130 The Glory of the Resurrection Body I Cor 52
131 The Mystery of the Resurrection, I Corinthians 15:50-16:5 I Cor 53
132 Concluding I Corinthians, I Corinthians 16:6-24 I Cor 54
133 The Setting and Suffering of II Corinthians, II Corinthians 1:1-3 II Cor 1
134 The Source and the Purpose of Comfort, II Corinthians 1:3-4 II Cor 2
135 Deadly Peril and Divine Deliverance, I Corinthians 1:5-11 II Cor 3
136 Paul: Fickle or Faithful?, II Corinthians 1:12-22 II Cor 4
137 Canceled Plans: An Act of Love, II Corinthians 1:19-2:4 II Cor 5
138 The Forgiven Offender, II Corinthians 2:5-11 II Cor 6
139 True Service: Its Privilege, II Corinthians 2:12-17 II Cor 7
140 The Epistle of the Holy Spirit, II Corinthians 3:1-7 II Cor 8
141 The Glory of the New Covenant, II Corinthians 3:6-18 II Cor 9
142 Features of Life Under the New Covenant, II Corinthians 3:18 II Cor 10
143 The Ministry of the New Covenant, II Corinthians 4:1-2 II Cor 11
144 The Gospel of the New Covenant, II Corinthians 4:3-6 II Cor 12
145 Conditions of Delivery, II Corinthians 4:7-15 II Cor 13
146 Renewing the Inner Man, II Corinthians 4:16 II Cor 14
147 Light Affliction and Eternal Glory, II Corinthians 4:16-18 II Cor 15
148 Our Hope, II Corinthians 5:1-10 II Cor 16
149 The Motive and Message of True Service, II Corinthians 5:11-20 II Cor 17
150 Implications of Reconciliation, II Corinthians 5:20-6:1 II Cor 18
151 Items of Hardship, part 1, II Corinthians 6:2-4 II Cor 19
152 Items of Hardship, part 2, II Corinthians 6:5-16 II Cor 20
153 The Double-Harness, II Corinthians 6:14-17 II Cor 21
154 God-sent Comfort from Titus, part 1, II Corinthians 6:17-7:4 II Cor 22
155 God-sent Comfort from Titus, part 1, II Corinthians 7:5-8:2 II Cor 23
156 Giving: The Example and the Plea, II Corinthians 8:1-12 II Cor 24
157 Integrity in Giving, part 1, II Corinthians 8:16-9:5 II Cor 25
158 Agrarianism Vs. Equality, II Corinthians 8:13-15 II Cor 26
159 Integrity in Giving, part 1, II Corinthians 9:5, Proverbs 3 II Cor 27
160 The Results of Generous Giving, II Corinthians 9:6-15 II Cor 28
161 Paul on the Offensive, II Corinthians 10:3-7 II Cor 30
162 The Importance of Apostolic Authority, II Corinthians 10:8-11:3 II Cor 31
163 The Deviations of the "Super Apostles", II Corinthians 11:1-6 II Cor 32
164 The Truth about the "Super Apostles", II Corinthians 11:6-15 II Cor 33
165 The Boasting of Paul, II Corinthians 11:16-33 II Cor 34
166 Visions and Their Aftermath, II Corinthians 12:1-10 II Cor 35
167 Final Words to Corinth, II Corinthians 12:11-13:14 II Cor 36
174 Paul: Servant and Apostle  1:1 N-Rom 2
175 The Gospel About His Son, part 1  1:2-4 N-Rom 3
176 The Gospel About His Son, part 2  1:5-7 N-Rom 4
177 The Heart of Paul, part 1  1:8-10 N-Rom 5
178 The Heart of Paul, part 2  1:11-12 N-Rom 6
179 The Heart of Paul, part 3  1:13-15 N-Rom 7
180 The Theme: The Just Shall Live by Faith, part 1  1:16-17 N-Rom 8
181 The Theme: The Just Shall Live by Faith, part 2  1:16-17 N-Rom 9
182 Introduction to God's Wrath  1:18-3:20 N-Rom 10
183 Declaration of God's Wrath  1:18 N-Rom 11
184 The Cause of God's Wrath, part 1  1:19-22 N-Rom 12
185 The Cause of God's Wrath, part 2  1:22-24 N-Rom 13
186 Condemnation to Justification  Chapters 1-3 N-Rom 14
187 Homosexuality  1:26-27 N-Rom 15
188 God's Final Delivery  1:28-32 N-Rom 16
189 The Moral Sinner  1:32-2:1 N-Rom 17
190 The Moral Man Condemned, part 1  2:1-3 N-Rom 18
261 The Moral Man Condemned, part 2   2:4-15 N-Rom 19
262 The Religious Man Condemned, part 1   2:17-29 N-Rom 20
263 The Religious Man Condemned, part 2   3:1-8 N-Rom 21
264 Man Under Sin, part 1   3:9 N-Rom 22
265 Man Under Sin, part 2   3:10-18 N-Rom 23
266 The Door of Hope Opens   3:19-20 N-Rom 24
267 The Authority of Paul   1:1-2 Gal 1
268 Merit Mentality and Christ's Death   1:3-4 Gal 2
269 The Product and Perversion of Merit Mentality   1:4-7 Gal 3
270 The Gravity of Defection   1:7-9 Gal 4
271 The Uniqueness of Paul's Gospel   1:10-12 Gal 5
272 Paul's Chronology of Independence   1:13-24 Gal 6
273 Victory of Jerusalem   2:1-10 Gal 7
274 Salvation by Faith, part 1   2:15-19 Gal 8
275 Salvation by Faith, part 2   2:15-19 Gal 9
276 Alive to God   2:20-21 Gal 10
277 Works of the Law or Hearing of Faith   3:1-5 Gal 11
278 Attempting Justification by Works   3:6-10 Gal 12
279 Old Testament Texts on Justification   3:11-14 Gal 13
280 The Unchangeable Contract   3:15-25 Gal 14
281 The Freedom of Sons   4:1-6 Gal 15
282 Return to Slavery   4:8-9 Gal 16
283 Life Under Legalism   4:9-17 Gal 17
284 Freedom of the Christian Life, part 1   4:18-31 Gal 18
285 Freedom of the Christian Life, part 2   5:1-11 Gal 19
286 Outline of Liberty   5:13-16 Gal 20
287 Outline of Spirituality, part 1   5:17 Gal 21
288 Outline of Spirituality, part 2   5:18-26 Gal 22
289 Christian Responsibility   6:1-10 Gal 23
290 How to Walk by the Spirit, part 1 Gal 24
291 How to Walk by the Spirit, part 2 Gal 25
292 How to Walk by the Spirit, part 3 Gal 26
293 Summary of Galatians Gal 27
410 Introduction to Ephesians  1:1 N-Eph 1
411 The Readers of Ephesians 1:1b-2 N-Eph 2
412 In Christ: The What and How N-Eph 3
413 The Blessing of the Father 1:3 N-Eph 4
414 The Selection of the Father 1:4-5 N-Eph 5
415 Praise to the Beloved 1:7-12 N-Eph 6
416 Sealed by the Spirit 1:13-14 N-Eph 7
417 Paul's Intercession: Its Cause 1:15-16 N-Eph 8
418 Paul's Intercession: Its Content 1:17-21 N-Eph 9
419 Paul's Intercession: Its Designation 1:22-23 N-Eph 10
420 Death to Life 2:1-4 N-Eph 11
421 The True Church N-Eph 12
422 By Grace Alone 2:4-10 N-Eph 13
423 Far Away Once--Near Now 2:11-13 N-Eph 14
424 The Household of God 2:11-23 N-Eph 15
425 Explanation of Paul's Mystery 3:1-6 N-Eph 16
426 The Ministry of Paul, part 1 3:7-13 N-Eph 17
427 The Ministry of Paul, part 2 3:14-15 N-Eph 18
428 Good Doctrine and Good Conduct 3:17-4:2 N-Eph 19
429 Maintaining Unity 4:1-6 N-Eph 20
430 God's Flowchart for the Church, part 1 4:7-16 N-Eph 21
431 God's Flowchart for the Church, part 2 4:7-16 N-Eph 22
432 Shepherd Work 4:11-12 N-Eph 23
433 The Source of the Church's Nutrition 4:11-12 N-Eph 24
434 Marks of Maturity 4:13-14 N-Eph 25
435 Winds of Doctrine, part 1 N-Eph 26
436 Winds of Doctrine, part 2 N-Eph 27
437 Denying the Former Life, part 1 4:17 N-Eph 28
438 Denying the Former Life, part 2 4:17-19 N-Eph 29
440 Denying the Former Life, part 3 4:20-24 N-Eph 30
445 Philippians: An Inspired Thank You Note N-Ph 1
446 Good Words About a Church 1:1-5 N-Ph 2
447 Good Memories of Philippi 1:3-5 N-Ph 3
448 Prayer of the Spirit Through Paul 1:6-9 N-Ph 4
449 Paul in Prison: Its Victory, part 1 1:10-18 N-Ph 5
450 Paul in Prison: Its Victory, part 2 1:10-18 N-Ph 6
451 Paul in Prison: A Time to Think 1:19-26 N-Ph 7
452 Conduct of a Christian Citizen 1:27-30 N-Ph 8
453 Christian Unity 2:1-4 N-Ph 9
454 The Perfect Example of Humility, part 1 2:5-11 N-Ph 10
455 The Perfect Example of Humility, part 2 2:5-11 N-Ph 11
456 The Glory of Humility 2:9-11 N-Ph 12
457 Working Out What Is Within 2:12-13 N-Ph 13
458 Lights in this World 2:14-17 N-Ph 14
459 Three Self-Sacrificing Servants 2:19-30 N-Ph 15
460 Making Christ Our Chief Joy 3:1-2 N-Ph 16
461 Paul Renounces His Righteousness 3:3-7 N-Ph 17
462 The Righteousness of Faith 3:8-11 N-Ph 18
463 Paul's Testimony 3:4-11 N-Ph 19
464 Paul's Justification 3:1-14 N-Ph 20
465 The Surpassing Value of Knowing Christ 3:8-11 N-Ph 21
466 Paul's Quest for Maturity 3:12-13 N-Ph 22
467 Key Elements of the Christian Life N-Ph 23
468 Progress in Maturity, part 1 3:12-16 N-Ph 24
469 Progress in Maturity, part 2 3:12-16 N-Ph 25
470 Progress in Maturity, part 3 3:12-21 N-Ph 26
471 Our Changed Bodies 3:20-21 N-Ph 27
472 Pursuing Harmony 4:1-5 N-Ph 28
473 Handling Worry, part 1 Matt. 6:25-34; Phil. 4:6-7 N-Ph 29
474 Handling Worry, part 2 Matt. 6:25-34; Phil. 4:6-7 N-Ph 30
475 The Battle for Our Minds 4:8-9 N-Ph 31
476 Donning the New Self 4:25-27 N-Eph 31
477 Valid Giving   4:10-19 N-Ph 32
478 Righteousness That Is Not Ours   3:21-22 N-Rom 25
479 All Sinned   3:23 N-Rom 26
480 Declared Righteous   3:24 N-Rom 27
481 Good Works and Good Words   4:28-29 N-Eph 32
482 Grieving the Holy Spirit   4:20 N-Eph 33
483 Putting On New Attitudes   4:32-5:3 N-Eph 34
484 The Moral Duty of the Church   5:3-14 N-Eph 35
485 The Careful Walk   5:15-20 N-Eph 36
486 The Place of Submission, 5:21 N-Eph 37
487 The Origin of Woman   Genesis 2:18-25 N-Eph 38
488 Husband-Wife Relationship   5:22-23 N-Eph 39
489 Child-Parent Relationship   6:1-4 N-Eph 40
490 Master-Slave Relationship   6:5-9 N-Eph 41
491 Christian Warfare   6:10-34 N-Eph 42
492 Introduction Col 1
493 The Believer's Past, Present and Future   1:1-5 Col 2
494 The Product of the Gospel   1:6-9 Col 3
495 The Root, Trunk and Branches   1:9-11 Col 4
496 We, the Qualified   1:12-17 Col 5
497 Christ the Firstborn Col 6
498 The Doctrine of Reconciliation   1:20-23 Col 7
499 Function of Paul's Suffering   1:24 Col 8
500 Responsibility to the Word   1:25-2:3 Col 9
501 Our Danger   2:4-8 Col 10
502 Our Completeness   2:9-10 Col 11
503 Our Circumcision   2:11-12 Col 12
504 Our Forgiveness   2:13-15 Col 13
505 Our Obligations   2:16-23 Col 14
506 Our Mental Attitude   3:1-5 Col 15
507 Our Union Col 16
508 Our Duty to Ourselves   3:15-18 Col 17
509 Our Home Life   3:18-21 Col 18
510 Relationship of Servants to Masters   3:22-4:1 Col 19
511 Our Prayers   4:2-5 Col 20
512 Occasion and Conclusion of Colossians Col 21
513 The New Man, Old Man, and the Holy Spirit   3:10-14 Col 22
514 Paul on the Defensive   10:1-2 II Cor 29
537 Introduction to Matthew Matt 1
538 The Genealogy of Jesus, part 1 1:1-17 Matt 2
539 The Genealogy of Jesus, part 2 1:1-17 Matt 3
540 The Birth of Jesus 1:18-25 Matt 4
541 The Childhood of Jesus, part 1 2:1-12 Matt 5
542 The Childhood of Jesus, part 2 2:13-23 Matt 6
543 The Message of John the Baptist 3:1-4 Matt 7
544 The Baptisms of John and Jesus 3:5-17 Matt 8
545 The Temptation of Jesus 4:1-11 Matt 9
546 The Opening of Jesus' Ministry 4:13-23 Matt 10
547 The Teaching of Jesus Matt 11
548 The Miracles of Jesus Matt 12
549 The Sermon on the Mount Matt 13
550 The Beatitudes 5:1-10 Matt 14
551 The Ethics of the Kingdom 5:11-16 Matt 15
552 Israel's Constitution Exodus 20:1-17 Matt 16
553 The Conduct of the Kingdom Citizens 5:17-29 Matt 17
554 Jesus' Interpretation of the Law, part 1 5:31-32 Matt 18
555 Jesus' Interpretation of the Law, part 2 5:33-6:7 Matt 19
556 How God Answers Prayer Matt 20
557 The Futility of Worry 6:19-34 Matt 21
558 Pharisaic Righteousness 7:1-5 Matt 22
561 Old Testament Content, part 3 Matt 25
562 Warnings of the King 7:6-14 Matt 26
563 The Power of the King, part 1 7:15-8:1 Matt 27
564 The Power of the King, part 2 8:1-17 Matt 28
565 Miracles of Power 8:18-34 Matt 29
566 The Power of the King to Forgive 9:1-17 Matt 30
567 Miracles of the King 9:18-34 Matt 31
568 Compassion of the King 9:35-38 Matt 32
569 Charge of the King 10:1-42 Matt 33
570 Rebellion Against the King, part 1 Psalm 2:1-6 Matt 34
571 Rebellion Against the King, part 2 Psalm 2:7-12 Matt 35
572 The Turning Point 11:1-24 Matt 36
573 Illustrations of Rejection 11:25-12:13 Matt 37
574 Illustrations of Opposition 12:14-50 Matt 38
575 Jesus Adapts to Rejection Matt 39
576 Jesus' New Teaching 13:1-17 Matt 40
577 The Kingdom Parables, Chapter 13 Matt 41
578 The Unbelief of Israel 13:54-14:36 Matt 42
579 Tradition or Scrpture? 15:1-39 Matt 43
580 Dangers to Disciples 16:1-12 Matt 44
581 The Person of Israel's King 16:13-17 Matt 45
582 The Program of Israel's King 16:18 Matt 46
583 The Kingdom and the Cross 16:19-28 Matt 47
584 The Coming King 16:27-17:13 Matt 48
585 Principles of the King, part 1   17:14-27 Matt 49
586 Principles of the King, part 2   18:1-14 Matt 50
587 Principles of the King, part 3   18:15-35 Matt 51
588 Instruction of the Disciples, part 1   19:3-20:16 Matt 52
589 Instruction of the Disciples, part 2   20:16-28 Matt 53
590 The Death Christ Died, part 1   20:28 Matt 54
591 The Death Christ Died, part 2   Isaiah 53 Matt 55
592 The Triumphal Entry and Parables   20:29-21:22 Matt 56
593 Israel's Rejection of Her King   21:18-22:14 Matt 57
594 Jesus Confronts Religious Hierarchy, part 1   22:15-46 Matt 58
595 Jesus Confronts Religious Hierarchy, part 2   23:1-39 Matt 59
596 Signs of the King's Return   24:1-22 Matt 60
597 Admonitions About Christ's Return   24:16-31 Matt 61
599 The Crucifixion: The Preparation, part 1   25:1-26:2 Matt 63
600 The Crucifixion: The Preparation, part 2   26:1-35 Matt 64
601 Jesus in Gethsemane    Matt 65
602 Jesus Forsaken and Tried   26:51-75 Matt 66
603 The Seven Last Words Matt 67
604 The Claims of Christ in Court   26:57-27:2 Matt 68
605 The Crucifixion   27:3-56 Matt 69
606 Significance of the Cross and Resurrection   27:57-28:10 Matt 70
607 The Final Words of Matthew   28:11-20 Matt 71
608 Parables About Christ's Return   24:32-51 Matt 62
616 Introduction to the Pastoral Epistles, part 1 Ti 1
617 Introduction to the Pastoral Epistles, part 2 Ti 2
618 Elders for Crete 1:5 Ti 3
620 Marks of a False Teacher 1:10 Ti 5
621 Refuting the Rebels, part 1, 1:10-16 Ti 6
622 Refuting the Rebels, part 2, 1:10-16 Ti 7
623 The Demeanor Demanded By Doctrine, 2:1-5 Ti 8
624 Christian Duties, 2:6-13 Ti 9
625 The Instruction of God's Grace, 2:12-14 Ti 10
626 The Christian and the King, part 1, 3:1-2 Ti 11
627 The Christian and the King, part 2, 3:1-2 Ti 12
628 A Summary of Salvation, 3:1-15 Ti 13
646 Introduction to James Jms 1
647 The Doctrine of Testing, part 1   1:1-2 Jms 2
648 The Doctrine of Testing, part 2   1:3-12 Jms 3
649 The Source of Temptation to Sin 1:13-18 Jms 4
650 Our Relationship to the Word of Truth Jms 5
651 The Sin of Partiality 2:1-13 Jms 6
652 The Relationship of Faith and Works 2:14-26 Jms 7
653 The Importance of the Tongue 3:1-2 Jms 8
654 The Power of the Tongue 3:3-12 Jms 9
655 Wisdom and Worldliness 3:13-4:3 Jms 10
656 The Folly of Worldliness 4:4-17 Jms 11
657 The Peril of Riches 5:1-6 Jms 12
658 The Importance of Patience, part 1 Psalm 73 Jms 13
659 The Importance of Patience, part 2 5:7-12 Jms 14
660 The Call to Prayer 5:13-20 Jms 15
860 Introduction to Mark Mk 1
876 Seven Testimonies to Jesus Mk 2
878 A Day With Jesus in Galilee  1:14-15 Mk 3
879 Healing and Conflict   1:35-45 Mk 4
880 Only God Forgives Sin   2:1-17 Mk 5
881 Jesus Must Die   2:18-3:6 Mk 6
882 Groups Aligned Around Jesus   3:7-35 Mk 7
883 The Sower and the Seed, part 1   4:13-20 Mk 8
884 The Sower and the Seed, part 2   4:13-20 Mk 9
885 Realms of Jesus' Sovereignty, part 1   4:35-41 Mk 10
886 Realms of Jesus' Sovereignty, part 2   5:1-20 Mk 11
887 Realms of Jesus' Sovereignty, part 3   5:21-6:6 Mk 12
888 The Death of John   6:7-43 Mk 13
889 The Lord of the Sea   6:45-52 Mk 14
890 Tradition Vs. the Word of God, part 1   7:1-13 Mk 15
891 Tradition Vs. the Word of God, part 2   7:14-21 Mk 16
892 A Second Feeding   8:1-10 Mk 17
893 The Dullness of the Disciples   8:1-10 Mk 18
894 The Suffering of the Messiah   8:31-33 Mk 19
896 The Transfiguration   9:1-8 Mk 21
897 Healing the Demon-possessed Boy   9:14-29 Mk 22
898 The Second Prophecy of Jesus' Passion, part 1   9:30-32 Mk 23
899 The Second Prophecy of Jesus' Passion, part 2   9:30-32 Mk 24
900 The Demands of Discipleship   9:33-50 Mk 25
901 Marriage and Little Children   10:1-16 Mk 26
902 The Prosperity Gospel: Its Features, part 1 Mk 27
903 The Prosperity Gospel: Its Features, part 2 Mk 28
904 Jesus' Third Prophecy of His Death   10:32-45 Mk 29
905 The Prosperity Gospel: Its Errors, part 1 Mk 30
906 The Prosperity Gospel: Its Errors, part 2 Mk 31
907 The Challenge of Discipleship   8:34-39 Mk 20
909 The Triumphal Entry   11:1-11 Mk 32
946 The Temple, Prayer, and Faith   11:15-26 Mk 33
947 The Hostility of Israel   11:27-12:1 Mk 34
949 The Defiant Tenants   12:1-11 Mk 35
950 Passover Begins   12:12-14:11 Mk 36
951 Prophecy of Abandonment   14:12-39 Mk 37
952 The Arrest of Jesus   14:40-52 Mk 38
953 Jesus and the Sanhedrin   14:53-65 Mk 39
954 The Denial of Peter   14:66-72 Mk 40
955 The Crucifixion   15:16-26 Mk 41
956 From Death to Resurrection, part 1   15:39-41 Mk 42
957 From Death to Resurrection, part 2   15:45-16:8 Mk 43
961 God's Grace   3:24 N-Rom 28
962 Propitiation   3:25-26 N-Rom 29
963 The End of Peace   3:27-31 N-Rom 30
964 Introduction to Romans 4 N-Rom 31
965 Abraham's Discovery   4:1-3 N-Rom 32
966 Justification by Faith, Not by Rite   4:4-12 N-Rom 33
967 Justification by Faith, Not by Works   4:13-15 N-Rom 34
968 The Maker of the Promises   4:18-22 N-Rom 35
969 The Recipient of the Promises   4:18-22 N-Rom 36
970 We Are Justified by Faith   4:23-25 N-Rom 37
994 Thanks for the Thessalonians 1:1-4 I Thess 1
995 God's Word Enters Thessalonica 1:5-10 I Thess 2
996 Paul's Entrance to Thessalonica 1:5-10 I Thess 3
997 The Power of the Word, part 1, 2:13 I Thess 4
998 The Power of the Word, part 2, 2:13 I Thess 5
999 Paul's View of the New Believers, 2:19-3:5 I Thess 6
1000 Good News from Timothy, 3:6-13 I Thess 7
1001 Paul and New Believers, 4:1-2 I Thess 8
1002 Sexual Purity 4:3-8 I Thess 9
1003 The Day of the Lord 5:1-3 I Thess 11
1004 Marks of Maturity, part 1 I Thess 12
1005 Marks of Maturity, part 2 I Thess 13
1006 Relating to Spiritual Leaders, part 1, 5:12-13 I Thess 14
1007 Relating to Spiritual Leaders, part 2, 5:12-13 I Thess 15
1008 Relating to Fellow Believers, 5:14-15 I Thess 16
1009 Final Exhortations 5:16-28 I Thess 17
1010 Introduction to II Thessalonians II Thess 1
1011 The Encouragement of Suffering 1:1-5 II Thess 2
1012 Eternal Judgment 1:5-10 II Thess 3
1013 Avoiding Deception 2:1-2 II Thess 4
1014 Persecution in the Early Church II Thess 5
1015 The Day of the Lord 2:3-12 II Thess 6
1016 Fundamental Absolutes, Exodus 20 II Thess 7
1017 Salvation from Start to Finish 2:13-17 II Thess 8
1018 Paul and Prayer 3:1-5 II Thess 9
1019 Discipline for the Disorderly 3:6-18 II Thess 10
1038 Introduction to John Jhn 1
1039 Prologue: The Deity of Jesus 1:1-5 Jhn 2
1040 Prologue: The Appearance of Jesus 1:6-13 Jhn 3
1041 Prologue: The Incarnation of Jesus 1:14-18 Jhn 4
1042 The Witness of John 1:19-34 Jhn 5
1043 The Witness of the First Disciples 1:35-42 Jhn 6
1044 The Witness of Nathaniel 1:43-51 Jhn 7
1045 The Wedding at Cana 2:1-11 Jhn 8
1046 The Necessity of the New Birth 3:1-3 Jhn 9
1047 The Nature and Means of the New Birth 3:4-15 Jhn 10
1048 John's Golden Text, part 1, 3:16 Jhn 11
1049 John's Golden Text, part 2, 3:16 Jhn 12
1050 John's Golden Text, part 3, 3:16-17 Jhn 13
1051 John's Golden Text, part 4, 3:16-21 Jhn 14
1052 Jesus and the Pharisees 3:22-36 Jhn 15
1053 Judea to Samaria 4:1-6 Jhn 16
1054 The Bountiful Gift 4:17-15 Jhn 17
1055 Jesus the Teacher 4:16-30 Jhn 18
1056 The Lord's Flood 4:31-43 Jhn 19
1057 "Go Your Way, Your Son Lives" 4:46-54 Jhn 20
1058 "Go Your Way, Your Son Lives" 4:46-54 Jhn 20
1059 The Healing of a Lame Man 5:1-9 Jhn 21
1060 Jesus' Strongest Claims 5:10-20 Jhn 22
1061 The Father-Son Relationship 5:19-23 Jhn 23
1062 The Sovereignty of the Son 5:24-35 Jhn 24
1063 Witness to the Son 5:36-47 Jhn 25
1064 Jesus, The Bread of Life, part 1, 6:1-26 Jhn 26
1065 Jesus, The Bread of Life, part 2, 6:26-29 Jhn 27
1066 Jesus, The Bread of Life, part 3, 6:30-40 Jhn 28
1067 Truths About All Who Come to Christ 6:37-40 Jhn 29
1068 The Error of Transubstantiation, part 1, 6:53 Jhn 30
1069 The Error of Transubstantiation, part 2, 6:53-59 Jhn 31
1070 Divisions Over Jesus 7:1-5 Jhn 32
1071 The Mid-Feast Debate 7:6-24 Jhn 33
1072 Jesus' Climactic Appeal 7:25-37 Jhn 34
1073 The Great Day of the Feast 7:37-53 Jhn 35
1074 Casting the First Stone 8:1-11 Jhn 36
1075 Contoversy Becomes Confrontation, part 1, 8:12-20 Jhn 37
1076 Contoversy Becomes Confrontation, part 2, 8:12-20 Jhn 38
1077 The Final Controversy Begins 8:21-30 Jhn 39
1078 The Significance of the Church Jhn 40
1079 The Beginning of the Church Jhn 41
1080 The Abraham Dialogue 8:31-58 Jhn 42
1081 The Man Born Blind, part 1, 9:1-12 Jhn 43
1082 The Man Born Blind, part 2, 9:13-17 Jhn 44
1083 The Good Shepherd, part 1, 10:1-2 Jhn 46
1084 The Man Born Blind, part 3a, 9:18-41 Jhn 45
1085 The Man Born Blind, part 3b, 9:18-41 Jhn 45
1087 Peace with God   5:1-2 N-Rom 38
1088 Being Grateful for Pressure   5:3 N-Rom 39
1089 The Love of God, part 1   5:5 N-Rom 40
1090 The Love of God, part 2   5:6-8 N-Rom 41
1091 The Implications of God's Grace   5:9-11 N-Rom 42
1092 Introduction to Romans 6 N-Rom 43
1093 Our Link to Adam, part 1   5:12-14 N-Rom 44
1094 Our Link to Adam, part 2   15-21 N-Rom 45
1095 The Good Shepherd, part 2, 10:3-10 Jhn 47
1096 The Good Shepherd, part 3, 10:11-18 Jhn 48
1097 The Raising of Lazarus, part 1, 11:1-16 Jhn 49
1098 The Raising of Lazarus, part 2, 11:17-19 Jhn 50
1099 The Raising of Lazarus, part 3, 11:20-37 Jhn 51
1100 The Raising of Lazarus, part 4, 11:38-53 Jhn 52
1101 The Anointing, 12:1-8 Jhn 53
1102 The Triumphal Entry, part 1, 12:12-19 Jhn 54
1103 The Triumphal Entry, part 2, 12:12-19 Jhn 55
1104 The Hour Arrives, 12:20-13:1 Jhn 56
1105 The Lessons of Footwashing, part 1, 13:1-11 Jhn 57
1106 Introduction to Romans 6 N-Rom 46
1107 Identification with Christ, part 1   6:1-3 N-Rom 47
1108 Identification with Christ, part 2   6:4-5 N-Rom 48
1109 The Three Operative Words N-Rom 49
1110 Acting on Christ's Victory   6:12-14 N-Rom 50
1111 True Worship Jhn 58
1112 The Lessons of Footwashing, part 2, 13:12-20 Jhn 59
1113 The Betrayer 13:21-38 Jhn 60
1114 The Advantage of Jesus' Departure 14:1-25 Jhn 61
1115 The Vine and the Branches 15:1-9 Jhn 62
1116 The Disciples' Love and the World's Hatred 15:10-27 Jhn 63
1117 Revelation Concerning the Future, part 1, 16:1-7 Jhn 64
1118 Revelation Concerning the Future, part 2, 16:8-18 Jhn 65
1119 Revelation Concerning the Future, part 3, 16:19-17:10 Jhn 66
1120 Jesus' Intercession 17:11-26 Jhn 67
1121 Jesus' Last Words Jhn 68
1122 Jesus' Arrest, part 1, 18:1-3 Jhn 69
1123 Jesus' Arrest, part 2, 18:4-11 Jhn 70
1124 Jesus Before Annas 18:12-24 Jhn 71
1125 Prayer Petition, Psalms Jhn 72
1126 The Crucifixion 19:1-23 Jhn 73
1127 The Garments and the Spear 19:23-42 Jhn 74
1128 The Resurrection 20:1-29 Jhn 75
1129 The Epilogue 21:1-25 Jhn 76
1146 The Setting and Structure of I Peter I Pet 1
1147 The Blessing and Pressure of Salvation 1:1-6 I Pet 2
1148 The Purpose of Pressure 1:7-12 I Pet 3
1149 The Products of Salvation 1:13-25 I Pet 4
1150 The Purpose of Salvation, part 1, 2:1-3 I Pet 5
1151 The Purpose of Salvation, part 2, 2:4-7 I Pet 6
1152 Submission in Salvation, part 1, 2:8-13 I Pet 7
1153 Submission in Salvation, part 2, 2:14-25 I Pet 8
1154 Submission in Marriage 3:1-6 I Pet 9
1155 Submission in Summary 3:7-12 I Pet 10
1156 Summary of Suffering I Pet 11
1157 Pattern for Suffering 3:14-22 I Pet 12
1158 Death to the Old Life 4:1-6 I Pet 13
1159 Life for God's Glory 4:7-11 I Pet 14
1160 Realities of Suffering 4:12-5:4 I Pet 15
1161 Summary of Relationships 5:5-14 I Pet 16
1169 The Sin Nature N-Rom 51
1170 Life Under Grace   6:15 N-Rom 52
1171 Our New Master   6:15-23 N-Rom 53
1172 Freedom from the Law, part 1   7:1 N-Rom 54
1173 Freedom from the Law, part 2   7:2-3 N-Rom 55
1174 Lessons from the Law   7:4-13 N-Rom 56
1175 What I Desire and What I Do, part 1   7:14 N-Rom 57
1176 What I Desire and What I Do, part 2   7:15-17 N-Rom 58
1177 Paul's Great Transition   7:18-8:1 N-Rom 59
1178 The Holy Spirit N-Rom 60
1179 The Believer's Liberation   8:1-8 N-Rom 61
1180 The Work of the Holy Spirit, part 1 N-Rom 62
1181 The Work of the Holy Spirit, part 2 N-Rom 63
1182 The Two Mind Sets   8:5-12 N-Rom 64
1183 The Adoption of the Sons of God   8:14-15 N-Rom 65
1184 The Intimacy of the Sons   8:15-16 N-Rom 66
1185 Anticipation of Glorification, part 1   8:18 N-Rom 67
1186 Anticipation of Glorification, part 2   8:18 N-Rom 68
1187 The Glorious Future   8:19-23 N-Rom 69
1188 The Spirit and Our Weakness   8:26-27 N-Rom 70
1189 The Romans 8:28 Mentality N-Rom 71
1190 Since God Is for Us, part 1   8:31 N-Rom 72
1191 Since God Is for Us, part 2   8:31-32 N-Rom 73
1192 Since God Is for Us, part 3   8:33-35 N-Rom 74
1193 Super Conquerors   8:36-37 N-Rom 75
1223 Paul's Settled Conviction   8:38-39 N-Rom 76
1224 God's Election of Israel   Duet 7:6-8; Psalm 147:19-20 N-Rom 77
1225 Torment Over Israel   9:1-3 N-Rom 78
1226 Benefits of Israel, part 1 N-Rom 79
1227 Benefits of Israel, part 2 N-Rom 80
1228 God's Sovereign Rights, part 1   9:14-16 N-Rom 81
1229 God's Sovereign Rights, part 2   9:17-23 N-Rom 82
1230 Israel's Singular Sin 9:25-33 N-Rom 83
1231 Justification by Religion   10:1-5 N-Rom 84
1232 Justification by Faith    10:6-8 N-Rom 85
1233 Believing and Confessing   10:9-13 N-Rom 86
1234 The Responsibility to Witness   10:14-17 N-Rom 87
1235 The Unbelief of Israel   10:18-21 N-Rom 88
1236 The Rejection of Israel: Parial, Not Final   11:1-6 N-Rom 89
1237 God's Grace N-Rom 90
1238 the Rejection of Israel: Temporary, Not Permanent   11:11-16 N-Rom 91
1239 Overview: Romans 12-16 N-Rom 92
1320 Introduction I Jn 1
1321 True Fellowship with God 1:1-7 I Jn 2
1322 Cleansing the Believer 1:8-10 I Jn 3
1323 The Mark of Obedience 2:3-6 I Jn 5
1324 Our Advocate 2:1-2 I Jn 4
1325 The Mark of Love 2:7-11 I Jn 6
1326 What is the World? 2:12-17 I Jn 7
1327 The Anti-Christ and Followers 2:18-19 I Jn 8
1328 The Master Lie 2:20-26 I Jn 9
1329 The Believer's Independence 2:27-29 I Jn 10
1330 The Foreign Love 3:1 I Jn 11
1331 The Believer's Future 3:2-9 I Jn 12
1332 The Believer and Christ's Commands 3:22-4:1 I Jn 14
1334 The Basis of Love   4:7-10 I Jn 16
1337 Love and Hate, Life and Death 3:13-21 I Jn 13
1338 The Spirit of Truth and Error 4:2-6 I Jn 15
1339 The Obligation of Love 4:11-16 I Jn 17
1368 Introduction to Revelation Rev 1
1369 The Three-fold Source of Grace and Peace   Revelation 1:4-5 Rev 2
1370 Setting for the Patmos Vision   Revelation 1:6-9 Rev 3
1371 The Letter to Ephesus   Revelation 2:1-7 Rev 5
1372 Vision of the Son of Man   Revelation 1:10-20 Rev 4
1373 Christ's Wrath, Return, and Reign Rev 6
1374 Only Two Kinds, 1 Thessalonians 4:13 Rev 7
1375 The Blessed Hope, 1 Thessalonians 4:14-18 Rev 8
1376 The Church at Smyrna   Revelation 2:8-11 Rev 9
1377 The Church at Pergamos   Revelation 2:12-17 Rev 10
1382 The Church at Thyatira   Revelation 2:18-29 Rev 11
1383 The Sin of Jezebel   Revelation 2:20-29 Rev 12
1384 The Church at Sardis, part 1   Revelation 3:1-6 Rev 13
1385 The Church at Sardis, part 2   Revelation 3:1-6 Rev 14
1386 The Church at Philadelphia   Revelation 3:6-13 Rev 15
1387 The Church at Laodicea, part 1   Revelation 3:14-22 Rev 16
1399 The Church at Laodicea, part 2   Revelation 3:14-22 Rev 17
1400 The Throne in Heaven   Revelation 4:1-6 Rev 18
1401 The Environment of the Throne   Revelation 4:6-11 Rev 19
1402 The Ceasesless Worship of Heaven   Revelation 4:8-11 Rev 20
1403 The Book in Heaven   Revelation 5:1-5 Rev 21
1404 The Doctrine of Worship Rev 22
1405 The Sealed Book   Revelation 5:1-7 Rev 23
1406 Praise Before Judgment   Revelation 5:8-14 Rev 24
1408 Preparation for Judgment Rev 25
1409 Presentation of the Seals   Revelation 6:1-2 Rev 26
1410 Early Tribulation: Sequence of Events Rev 27
1418 The False Peace   Revelation 6:1-2 Rev 28
1419 The War and Famine   Revelation 6:3-6 Rev 29
1420 Introduction to II Timothy N-II Tim 1
1421 The Greatness of Paul   II Timothy 1:1 N-II Tim 2
1422 Fanning a Gift to a Flame   II Timothy 1:6 N-II Tim 4
1423 Timothy: Paul's Son in the Faith   II Timothy 1:2 N-II Tim 3
1424 Duty to Our Gift   II Timothy 1:6-8 N-II Tim 5
1425 Reasons for Courage in Service   II Timothy 1:8 N-II Tim 6
1426 The Horsemen of Revelation   Revelation 6:1-11 Rev 30
1427 The Initiator of Salvation   II Timothy 1:9 N-II Tim 7
1428 Death Made Inoperative   II Timothy 1:9-11 N-II Tim 8
1429 God's Deposit with Paul   II Timothy 1:12 N-II Tim 9
1430 Examples of Boldness   II Timothy 1:12-18 N-II Tim 10
1431 The Final Horseman   Revelation 6:12-17 Rev 31
1432 Salvation in the Tribulation   Revelation 7 Rev 32
1433 Introduction to the Trumpet Judgments Rev 33
1434 Introduction to Christian Conduct, 12:1-2 N-Rom 93
1435 The Importance of Doctrine N-I Tim 1
1436 The Importance of Church Membership N-I Tim 2
1437 Overview of I Timothy N-I Tim 3
1438 Timothy's Task in Ephesus, 1:1-5 N-I Tim 4
1439 Duty and Doctrine, 1:3-5 N-I Tim 5
1440 Israel's Future, 11:17-24 N-Rom 94
1441 Observations on Romans 12:1 N-Rom 95
1442 Silence in Heaven   Revelation 8:1-7 Rev 34
1443 The Trumpet Judgments   Revelation 8:1-13 Rev 35
1444 Judgment from Demonic Powers, part 1   Revelation 9:1-12 Rev 36
1445 Judgment from Demonic Powers, part 2   Revelation 9:1-12 Rev 37
1446 World Powers of the End Time Rev 38
1447 The End Time Scenario Rev 39
1448 The Strong Angel, part 1   Revelation 10:1-2 Rev 40
1449 Review—The End Time Scenario Rev 41
1450 The Strong Angel, part 2   Revelation 10:3-11 Rev 42
1451 The Coming Kingdom   Revelation 11:15-18 Rev 44
1452 Israel in the Tribulation, part 1   Revelation 12:1-2 Rev 45
1453 Israel in the Tribulation, part 2   Revelation 12:1-6 Rev 46
1454 Israel in the Tribulation, part 3   Revelation 12:7-17 Rev 47
1455 The Great World Dictator   Revelation 13:1-10 Rev 48
1456 The Revived Roman Empire, part 1   Revelation 13:1-4 Rev 49
1457 The Revived Roman Empire, part 2   Revelation 13:5-11 Rev 50
1458 The Two Witnesses   Revelation 11 Rev 43
1459 Rejecting The World's Viewpoint 12:2 N-Rom 96
1460 Spiritual Gifts, part 1, 12:3-8 N-Rom 97
1461 Spiritual Gifts, part 2, 12:3-8 N-Rom 98
1462 Genuine Love 12:9 N-Rom 99
1463 Conduct Among God's Family, part 1, 12:10-13 N-Rom 100
1464 Conduct Among God's Family, part 2, 12:10-13 N-Rom 101
1465 Blessing the Persecutor 12:14 N-Rom 102
1466 Christian Reactions 12:17-21 N-Rom 103
1467 Introduction to Government Chapter 13 N-Rom 104
1468 Leadership Authority 13:1-3 N-Rom 105
1469 Duties of Government 13:3-5 N-Rom 106
1470 Preparation and Patterns for the Servant   II Timothy 2:1 N-II Tim 11
1471 Apostolic Succession   II Timothy 2:1-5 N-II Tim 12
1472 The Danger of Entanglements   II Timothy 2:3-4 N-II Tim 13
1473 The Farmer-Believer   II Timothy 2:6-14 N-II Tim 14
1474 Four Ways to Say "If" in Greek N-II Tim 15
1475 God's Unchanging Faithfulness   II Timothy 2:11-13 N-II Tim 16
1476 The Tried and True Workman, parts 1 & 2   II Timothy 2:16-19 N-II Tim 17
1477 The Believer and Taxes 13:5-7 N-Rom 107
1478 Paying Bills, part 1, 13:8 N-Rom 108
1479 Paying Bills, part 2, 13:8 N-Rom 109
1480 Putting Romans Together, Chapters 1-8 N-Rom 110
1481 Spiritual Slumber 13:11-14 N-Rom 111
1482 The Weak Believer 14:1-5 N-Rom 112
1483 Those Weak in the Faith 14:1-12 N-Rom 113
1484 The Relationship of the Weak and the Strong 14:1-12 N-Rom 114
1485 Mutual Tolerance 14:13-18 N-Rom 115
1486 Creating an Edification Atmosphere 14:19-153 N-Rom 116
1487 The Glory of Christ's Coming 4:13-18 I Thess 10
1488 Biblical View on Aging N-I Tim 6
1489 The Personal Use of God's Word 15:4-13 N-Rom 117
1490 Paul's Friends 16:1-24 N-Rom 118
1491 Turning Away from False Teachers 16:17-20 N-Rom 119
1492 Paul's Testimony 1:6-17 N-I Tim 7
1493 Prayer in the Local Church 2:1-6 N-I Tim 8
1495 Role of Women in the Church, part 2, 2:9-15 N-I Tim 10
1496 The Overseer 3:1-7 N-I Tim 11
1497 The Deacon 3:8-11 N-I Tim 12
1498 Major Historic Christian Doctrine, part 1 N-I Tim 13
1499 Major Historic Christian Doctrine, part 2 N-I Tim 14
1500 Major Historic Christian Doctrine, part 3 N-I Tim 15
1501 Words of the Faith, part 1, 4:1-5 N 16
1502 The Firm Foundation   II Timothy 2:19-26 N-II Tim 18
1503 The Last Days   II Timothy 3:1 N-II Tim 19
1504 Decadent Men of the Last Days   II Timothy 3:2-5 N-II Tim 20
1505 The Adequacy of Scripture, part 1   II Timothy 3:10-17 N-II Tim 21
1506 The Adequacy of Scripture, part 2   II Timothy 3:10-17 N-II Tim 22
1507 The Adequacy of Scripture, part 3   II Timothy 3:10-17 N-II Tim 23
1508 Preach the Word!   II Timothy 4:1-2 N-II Tim 24
1509 The Character of the Last Days, part 1   II Timothy 4:3-5 N-II Tim 25
1510 The Character of the Last Days, part 2   II Timothy 4:3-5 N-II Tim 26
1511 Paul's Final Testimony   II Timothy 4:6-8 N-II Tim 27
1512 Words of the Faith, part 1, 4:1-5 N-I Tim 16
1513 Words of the Faith, part 2, 4:1-5 N-I Tim 17
1514 Timothy's Priorities 4:6-10 N-I Tim 18
1515 Two Kinds of Exercise 4:6-10 N-I Tim 19
1516 The Three Pillars of a Local Church 4:11-13 N-I Tim 20
1517 Timothy's Gift and Growth 4:14-16 N-I Tim 21
1518 Intelligent Benevolence, Chapter 5 N-I Tim 22
1519 Benevolent Help 5:3-16 N-I Tim 23
1520 Honoring the Elder 5:17-25 N-I Tim 24
1521 "A" Level - "B" Level 6:3-5 N-I Tim 25
1522 Riches with Contentment 6:3-10 N-I Tim 26
1523 The Imperatives of Timothy 6:11-25 N-I Tim 27
1524 The Great False Prophet   Revelation 13:11-17 Rev 51
1525 Man's End; God's Conclusion   Revelation 13:11-14:1 Rev 52
1526 Heaven and Earth in Harmony, part 1   Revelation 14:1 Rev 53
1527 Can This Be Christian? Rev 54
1528 Heaven and Earth in Harmony, part 2   Revelation 14:1-7 Rev 55
1529 The End of Babylon   Revelation 4:8 Rev 56
1530 Preview of Armageddon, part 1 Rev 57
1531 Preview of Armageddon, part 2 Rev 58
1532 The Songs of Judgment Rev 59
1533 Preparation for the Bowls of Wrath   Revelation 15:3-8 Rev 60
1534 Ascension Day Instructions 1:1-5 N-Acts 1
1535 The Day of Pentecost, part 1, 2:1-4 N-Acts 2
1536 The Day of Pentecost, part 2, 2:5-13 N-Acts 3
1537 The Day of Pentecost, part 3, 2:6-21 N-Acts 4
1538 The Day of Pentecost, part 4, 4:22-24 N-Acts 5
1539 The Day of Pentecost, part 5, 2:25-36 N-Acts 6
1540 "What Shall We Do?" 2:37-40 N-Acts 7
1541 The Church's First Progress Report 2:41-47 N-Acts 8
1542 Signposts in Acts 6:7, 9:31, 12:24, 16:4, 19:20, 28:31 N-Acts 9
1543 The Lame Man Leaps, part 1, 3:1-6 N-Acts 10
1544 The Lame Man Leaps, part 2, 3:7-13 N-Acts 11
1545 Personal and Corporate Responsibility 2:43-47 N-Acts 12
1546 Rejected by Man but Glorified by God 3:12-15 N-Acts 13
1547 The Prophesied Messiah 3:16-26 N-Acts 14
1548 The Arrest of Peter and John 4:1-4 N-Acts 15
1549 Handling the Word 4:31, 6:2, 8:14, 17:13, 18:11 N-Acts 16
1550 Peter's Defense, part 1, 4:5-12 N-Acts 17
1551 Peter's Defense, part 2, 4:13-22 N-Acts 18
1552 The Mega-events of Revelation,    Chapter 16 Rev 61
1553 The Outpouring of God's Wrath   Revelation 16:1-21 Rev 62
1554 The Fall of Babylon, part 1   Revelation 17:1-8 Rev 63
1555 The Seven Mountains of Revelation 1 Rev 64
1556 Overcoming the Beast   Revelation 17:12-18 Rev 65
1557 The Fall of Babylon, part 2   Revelation 18 Rev 66
1558 The Return of Christ, part 1   Revelation 19:1-10 Rev 67
1559 The Return of Christ, part 2   Revelation 19:11-16 Rev 68
1560 The Conquest of the King   Revelation 19:17-21 Rev 69
1561 The Incarceration of Satan   Revelation 20:1-3 Rev 70
1562 Eternal Judgment   Revelation 10:4-10 Rev 71
1563 The New Jerusalem, part 1 Revelation   21:1-22:5 Rev 72
1564 Peter: His Report 4:23-31 N-Acts 19
1565 Generosity in the Early Church 4:32-35 N-Acts 20
1566 The First Discipline in the Church 4:36-5:11 N-Acts 21
1567 Before the Sanhedrin, part 1, 5:12-26 N-Acts 22
1568 Before the Sanhedrin, part 2, 5:21-32 N-Acts 23
1569 The Advice of Gamaliel 5:27-42 N-Acts 24
1570 Solving a Problem and Keeping Priority 6:1-7 N-Acts 25
1571 The Ministry of Stephen 6:8-15 N-Acts 26
1572 The Message of Stephen 7:1-53 N-Acts 27
1573 The New Jerusalem, part 2   Revelation 21:1-22:5 Rev 73
1574 The New Jerusalem, part 3   Revelation 21:1-22:5 Rev 74
1575 Final Reminders of Revelation   22:6-21 Rev 75
1576 The Martyrdom of Stephen 7:54-60 N-Acts 28
1577 Onward to Samaria, part 1, 8:1-8 N-Acts 29
1578 Onward to Samaria, part 2, 8:1-8 N-Acts 30
1579 Simon the Magician, part 1, 8:9-11 N-Acts 31
1580 Simon the Magician, part 2, 8:12-25 N-Acts 32
1581 Philip the Interpreter, part 1, 8:26-40 N-Acts 33
1582 Philip the Interpreter, part 2, 8:26-40 N-Acts 34
1583 Chronology of Acts N-Acts 35
1584 The Call of Paul, part 1, 9:1-7 N-Acts 36
1585 The Call of Paul, part 2, 9:8-19 N-Acts 37
1586 Paul's Early Ministry 9:20-31 N-Acts 38
1587 Onward to the Gentiles 9:32-43 N-Acts 39
1588 Gentiles Join the Church 10:1-8 N-Acts 40
1589 Gentiles Join the Church 10:9-33 N-Acts 41
1590 Peter and the Gentiles Meet 10:17-33 N-Acts 42
1591 Peter's Sermon to the Gentiles, part 1, 10:34-43 N-Acts 43
1592 Peter's Sermon to the Gentiles, part 2, 10:43-48 N-Acts 44
1593 Gentile Salvation Affirmed 10:44-11:18 N-Acts 45
1594 The Church at Antioch, part 1, 11:19 N-Acts 46
1595 The Church at Antioch, part 2, 11:19-30 N-Acts 47
1596 The Gospel Moves West 12:1-13:1 N-Acts 48
1597 Saul Called Paul 12:25-13:8 N-Acts 49
1598 Evangelism at Antioch, part 1, 13:13-15 N-Acts 50
1599 Evangelism at Antioch, part 2, 13:13-15 N-Acts 51
1600 The Offspring of David 13:16-31 N-Acts 52
1601 The Salvation of the Messiah 13:32-41 N-Acts 53
1602 Good News in Conquest and Conflict, part 1, 13:42-46 N-Acts 54
1603 Good News in Conquest and Conflict, part 2, 13:47-14:7 N-Acts 55
1604 Paul's Sermon at Lystra 14:8-18 N-Acts 56
1605 The End of the Journey 14:19-29 N-Acts 57
1606 The Jerusalem Council, part 1, 15:1-28 N-Acts 58
1607 The Jerusalem Council, part 2, 15:1-2 N-Acts 59
1608 The Jerusalem Council, part 3, 15:3-5 N-Acts 60
1609 The Jerusalem Council, part 4, 15:6-29 N-Acts 61
1610 Prelude to Paul's Second Missionary Journey, part 1, 15:30-41 N-Acts 62
1611 Prelude to Paul's Second Missionary Journey, part 2, 16:6-19:20 N-Acts 63
1612 Evangelization of Philippi, part 1, 16:6-18 N-Acts 64
1613 Evangelization of Philippi, part 2, 16:19-25 N-Acts 65
1614 Evangelization at Thessalonica 17:1-4 N-Acts 66
1615 Expectations of a Civil Leader N-Acts 67
1616 Riot at Thessalonica 17:5-9 N-Acts 68
1617 Evangelization of Berea 17:10-15 N-Acts 69
1618 Paul and the Pagans of Athens, part 1, 17:16-21 N-Acts 70
1619 Paul and the Pagans of Athens, part 2, 17:22-34 N-Acts 71
1620 Paul and the Pagans of Athens, part 3, 17:22-34 N-Acts 72
1621 Evangelization of Corinth 18:1-17 N-Acts 73
1622 Evangelization at Ephesus, part 1, 18:18-21 N-Acts 74