

The Gift of Salvation

This attractive booklet focuses on the nature of the gospel. The gospel involves a specific person, Jesus Christ. It involves a specific work, His death on the cross. It involves a specific accomplishment, an atoning death for man’s sin. The conditions upon which a person becomes a Christian are discussed, and the basis of security and assurance is presented.

The Parenting Privilege

Many books have been written on the subject of parenting. Most of them incorporate psychology and deal with “the terrible two’s,” etc. This is not what this book is about. Believing in the truthfulness and adequacy of the word of God, the focus of the book is on the exposition of those passages that deal with child-parent relationships. The book of Proverbs abounds in such passages, and Paul teaches the subject in Ephesians and Colossians.

One chapter is devoted to explaining how parents can teach their children moral absolutes. Absolutes are the framework for perceiving truth. The only true options for learning them is the home and the church. The book rests on the thesis that Word of Truth embraces—it is only in God’s word that absolute truth may be found.

Portraits in Proverbs

Throughout the book of Proverbs, we find repeated reference to various types of character sets. It speaks of the sluggard, the fool, and many others. These references have been gathered together and handled as “character sets.”

Some of the chapter headings are Portrait of an Ideal Woman, or “Mrs. Far Above Jewels”; Portrait of a True Friend, or “Someone Closer than a Brother”; Portrait of the Naive, or “From Airhead to Wronghead.” Much practical wisdom for living is found in these pages. This book is also available on cassette tape. It is read by Corey Hansen and is coded PP 1-3.

Prophetic Bridges

This booklet examines forty-two Old Testament prophecies concerning the Messiah, linking each one to the New Testament fulfillment in Jesus.

The Unborn Child

The Unborn Child asks the question, What is in the womb of the mother? It then shows that the same words used for the living child are also used for the child before birth. The unborn child is truly a person.

The Foundations of Our Great Salvation

This publication outlines the basic doctrines pertaining to salvation, starting with an introduction on “The Importance of Doctrine.” The first chapter, “God’s Power in Salvation,” covers the doctrines of redemption, reconciliation, justification, imputation, and regeneration. The next section, “God’s Principle in Salvation,” deals with the doctrines of grace, faith, and assurance and security. The last chapter is “God’s Product in Salvation,” covering the basic features of the church. This book is “must read” material for every believer and is especially helpful to new Christians.

The Holy Spirit

The first chapter answers the question, Who is the Holy Spirit? Chapter two presents the Holy Spirit in symbols—wind, the dove, water, a seal, an earnest, oil, fire, and clothing. Other chapters deal with the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament and His ministry to Jesus Christ. The last chapters cover His relationship to believers. The section on the Holy Spirit in Salvation presents His pre-salvation work of convicting and His work at Salvation—regeneration, indwelling, and baptizing. Another chapter covers the gifts of the Spirit. The final chapter deals with the Holy Spirit’s role in the believer’s Christian walk.

The Grace of God

This little booklet measures only 4¼ x 5¼ inches and has 14 pages—just the right size to include in a greeting card, carry in your pocket, purse, etc. Though small in size, it is packed full of excellent teaching on God’s grace. There is no truth more essential to true Christianity than the concept of the grace of God since grace forms the basis, the only basis, for a relationship with God.

Words of the Faith

This publication contains a study of thirty-two words used in the New Testament. Many of them are extremely colorful, and all convey profound meaning. The words are indexed by the English translation, as found in the nasb, and by the Greek word from the Greek New Testament. Each word is transliterated, the pronunciation is given, the number from Strong’s concordance is listed, and a key passage is quoted. All of this is followed by commentary on the meaning and usage of the word in the New Testament.

Psalm 1: The Happy Man

Psalm 1 is considered a prologue to the entire book. Its introductory nature is shown in its theme: a contrast in the experience of the godly and the wicked. Verses 1-3 center on the happy man, showing that true happiness comes from godliness consisting in total occupation with God as revealed in His word. Verses 4-6 center on the man who stands in contrast to the happy man—the wicked man.

Psalm 2: The Psalm of the King

Psalm 2 is a kingly or royal psalm, one that deals with the King of Israel. It is the first of the Messianic psalms. The theme of Psalm 2: The King is rejected but coming to reign; therefore, we should “do homage to the Son.”

Psalm 23

The basic relationship which we sustain to Christ is expressed under the metaphor of sheep and shepherd. Moreover, the relationship of congregation to pastor is under the same metaphor. Therefore, it is essential to understand the elements of this relationship since it is basic to our oneness with Christ. The metaphor of sheep and shepherd is the most commonly used metaphor in both the Old and New Testaments. A study in Psalm 23 is essential to understanding this relationship.

The Christian Perspective - A Comparison of Christian and World View

What should a parent tell a child who is moving into a college environment? What are the intellectual traps that Satan has set? Secularism, humanism, relativism, and socialism are the theme of college campuses today; and they come to us by the hour through the media and are constantly reflected in national policy. This booklet was written with a view to helping young people see the philosophy present in colleges and universities. It shows the beliefs of those with a Human Viewpoint foundation versus those with a Divine Viewpoint foundation.

Commentary/Outline Series

This series incorporates the following items.

  1. The entire NASB text is found in each commentary. When these notes are used, you have your Bible with you. I Corinthians contains the whole text of I Corinthians, Ruth contains the entire text of Ruth, etc.
  2. An orderly outline is given for the entire book. This is intended to organize the text in a way that makes it easy to study and teach. Outlining aids memory and helps one see the structure of the book.
  3. A commentary on the meaning of the words of the Scripture passage is included. The explanation is based on the original Hebrew or Greek text.
  4. Ample space is left throughout the commentary so that you, the reader, may add notes of your own or other sources.
    Below is a listing of the commentary/outlines that are available.

Old Testament

New Testament


Doctrine of God

This is a study of the names of God and a description of His attributes.


Doctrine of Volition

This study walks the reader through the history of volition from God's single perfect will to Satan's initial challenge to the billions of independent wills in the world today. Gain insight into practical adjustments each of us can take to align our daily walk with the will and intent of our Creator. This doctrine lies in stark contrast to worldviews that either deny the reality of free will or downplay individual  responsibilty for the choices we make. PDF



God’s Path to Salvation (available in English and Spanish)

This tract presents the way of salvation as it is precisely defined and described by the word of God. The gospel is not the offer of a subjective experience but rather objective truth to be believed. This tract is biblically accurate, attractively formatted, and brief but complete—a tool you will be pleased to use in presenting the gospel to others.

God’s Path to Fellowship

When a believer sins in act or attitude, as we all do, what occurs? Many new believers face immediate questions: Was I genuinely saved in the first place? Have I lost my salvation? In a brief and concise manner, the enclosed brochure gives the answer.